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Administrative Redesign

Building from the administrative review process conducted in Fall 2017, subsequent efforts, broadly categorized as 'administrative redesign', begin to take action in streamlining and improving the delivery of administrative functions. The functional areas in-scope are finance (including facilities and procurement), human resources and information technology.

Within the broader Administrative Redesign category of work, efforts follow three phases: conceptual design, detailed design and implementation.

Click on a header to expand a selection and uncover additional information about each topic.

Conceptional Design Phase

March - April, 2018

  • Over several sessions, workstream teams comprised of representatives from each campus (CFOs, CHROs and CIOs) worked together on principles and a tentative operating model for their respective function.
  • These tentative models were constructed using an information-driven approach, utilizing data gathered during the recent Activity Analysis and Voice of Customer surveys.

Conceptual Designs

The result of these collaborative efforts was a proposed future-state service delivery and conceptual model for each functional area; each was presented as a topic of discussion during the Collaborative Design Session. The full set of materials presented, which includes the conceptual designs, is available in the Collaborative Design Session section below.

Collaborative Design Session

May 2, 2018

  • More than 100 campus and system leaders, including the chancellors, vice chancellors, vice provosts, deans, and staff and faculty council members, gathered for a day-long meeting to discuss concepts for transformations in Finance, HR and IT. .
  • The work teams shared the iterative conceptual designs informed by the expertise of the functional leads and their collective analysis of the data gathered from the Activity Analysis and Voice of Customer surveys and instrumental feedback from members of advisory groups.
  • In addition to the conceptual designs, participants heard from colleagues about recent successful initiatives at the college level and were encouraged to reflect on their own operations in a similar fashion.
  • The diverse and honest input from the participants will improve planning and implementation of the detailed design phase.
  • No final decisions were made during the session, nor specific actions taken, but there was agreement to the conceptual models presented and to move forward into a more detailed design phase.

View a summary of the discussion and feeback received during the Collaborative Design Session below, or read the full set of presentation materials for the Collaborative Design Session (PDF, 1.3MB). Review the slides covered in the video (PDF, 249KB), or watch the :



Detailed Design Phase

May - June, 2018

  • Building from the high-level concepts of earlier phases, work in the detailed design phase further develops the individual projects that met the concepts and priorities discussed in the Collaborative design session.
  • The processes being redesigned are prioritized based on where changes provide greatest opportunity for cost savings and/or service improvement as discussed in the collaborative design session.
  • The listing of projects and high level project plans will be shared on this webpage with regular updates.
  • The administrative redesign program will begin more frequent communications with success stories and learnings from different campuses and units to provide units with ideas of how processes have already been improved in other parts of the organization.
Detailed Designs

The detailed design phase is currently underway. Information about the detailed designs for each functional area will be added as work is completed. An update will be presented to the Board of Curators during their June meeting (refer to meeting information for additional details).


Implementation Phase


Any implementation of changes resulting from the efforts outlined above would occur after developing detailed roadmaps (including timing, organizational changes and/or job impacts) and working with University leadership to gain the necessary approvals. Information will continue to update as projects progress.

Central to our success is input from you. We want to hear from you about how we can be bold and innovative in our plans to replace ‘business as usual’ approaches. Please share your feedback to inform the collaborative design process by using this . Be advised that while all feedback will be read and directed as appropriate, because the form can be submitted anonymously, you may not receive a direct reply.


Reviewed 2024-03-07