- Activity Analysis Survey Summary Report (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Activity Analysis Survey Information Supplement (PDF, 1.3MB)
- (PDF, 92KB)
- Full list of resources...
The Activity Analysis survey was a study of the distribution of administrative work being done across the University, by function. It gathered responses from non-faculty staff about their work activities so as to understand daily workload in a quantifiable way. This effort aimed to help realize savings the University can invest in academic, research and engagement programs of excellence. The objective of this project is not to be a model for efficiency, but to ensure that operational efficiency is a means to reinvest resources to be used to support our University mission.
The Activity Analysis Survey ran February 19 - March 2, 2018; details here are for informational purposes. Read the summary report (PDF, 1.5MB)
Click on a header to expand a selection and uncover additional information about each topic.
大象视频 the survey
Change is inevitable, and decisions will have to be made to support future progress. By gathering the right information, the University can move forward in a well-informed way and remain sustainable into the future.
This survey was one step of a larger data-gathering process that helps us understand what staff are doing across the organization.
The survey collected information on staff workload across a variety of work functions. Participants considered their work time over the past year based on their position in its current capacity.
The survey was organized based on the type of work being performed, not where in the organizational structure that work is being conducted.
The survey was administered through a web-enabled survey tool called Qualtrics. An introductory email sent at the start of the survey window provided a unique link and detailed instructions on how to access and complete the survey.
Individuals who did not complete a survey by the deadline had a survey completed on behalf of their position.
Non-faculty staff, including students who perform administrative work, across all business units and auxiliary organizations, were expected to complete the survey.
Faculty, MU Health employees who only work at the hospital and graduate assistants (GTAs/GRAs) were not required to complete the survey.
Survey results:
- Activity Analysis Survey Summary Report (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Activity Analysis Survey Summary Report Informational Supplement
(PDF, 1.3MB)
大象视频 the project:
- (PDF, 92KB)
- (PDF, 197KB)
- (Macro-enabled Excel Spreadsheet, 439KB)- Provided to survey respondents to search for work duties and calculate how they fit into the survey structure
Additional information:
- (PDF, 367KB)- Includes preliminary results; presented at the 04/2018 Board of Curators meeting
- (PDF, 1.5MB)- Presented at the 02/2017 Board of Curators meeting
- Administrative Review
- Assessment Report (PDF, 2MB)
December 2017 - January 2018
- Project announcement
- Survey development
February 2018
- Survey testing
- February 19 - Survey opens
March 2018
- March 2 - Survey window closes
- Data analysis phase
April 2018
- Findings shared with the Board of Curators and University community
- April 12-13 - Board meeting at 大象视频S&T
Reviewed 2022-01-28