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310.050 Faculty Committees on Tenure

Bd. Min. 3-17-72, p. 36,281; Revised Bd. Min. 6-27-80, p. 38,132; Amended Bd. Min. 9-12-80; Amended Bd. Min. 12-12-86.

  1. University Faculty Committee on Tenure -- There shall be a University Faculty Committee on Tenure. This Committee shall be composed of two members from the regular academic staff of each campus of the University. Each campus faculty, or other body delegated this authority by the Board of Curators, shall, at a meeting during the second semester of each academic year, elect one person to membership on the Committee to service for the following two academic years, and also elect an alternate member who shall serve whenever the regular Committee member is unable to serve.
    1. Only Professors on continuous appointment are eligible for membership on the Committee. Persons who devote a substantial portion of their time to administrative duties shall not be eligible for membership on the Committee.
    2. The President annually shall appoint from among the elected Committee members a chairman pro tempore, who, if a meeting is necessary, shall call the first Committee meeting, at which time the Committee shall elect from among its members a chairman and a secretary to serve at the pleasure of the Committee. At least one member or alternate from each campus must be present to constitute a quorum.
  2. Campus Faculty Committees on Tenure -- There shall be a Campus Faculty Committee on Tenure on each campus of the University. This Committee shall be composed of members from the regular academic staff.
    1. Each campus faculty or other body delegated this authority by the Board of Curators shall by rule establish the number of members of the Committee, the apportionment among divisions within the campus, and the method of selection of the members and alternates, except as otherwise provided herein. The rule shall identify the Committee as the Campus Faculty Committee on Tenure specified in Section 310.050 B in Academic Tenure Regulations. The Chancellor shall notify the President annually on or about the beginning of the fall term that the Committee has been established and is in place.
    2. Members shall be elected from the eligible Professors on continuous appointment. If there are no eligible Professors within the electoral unit, then the members shall be elected from the eligible Associate Professors.
    3. Persons who devote fifty percent or more of their time to administrative duties shall not be eligible for membership on the Committee.
    4. The Chancellor of the campus shall appoint from among the members a chairman pro tempore, who, if a meeting is necessary, shall call the first committee meeting, at which time the Committee shall elect from among its members a chairman and a secretary to serve at the pleasure of the Committee. At least two-thirds of the members, or their alternates, must be present to constitute a quorum.
    5. Jurisdiction and Hearings to Determine Facts: The appropriate Faculty Committee on Tenure shall have jurisdiction to hear any case involving the dismissal of a faculty member for cause, as specified in Section 310.060. Such Committee may also be designated by a rule or regulation of the Board of Curators to hear and make recommendations in other cases with such modifications of procedures as may be provided by the rule or regulation in each instance.

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