Collected Rules and Regulations
Chapter 10: Board of Curators - Administration
- 10.010 Constitutional Provisions
- 10.020 Statutory Provisions
- 10.025 Statement of Values
- 10.030 Board Bylaws
- 10.040 Terms of Chair and Vice Chair
- 10.050 Standing Committees
- 10.060 Board and Committee Meetings
- 10.061 Public Records
- 10.070 Appointed Staff Officers
- 10.080 Curator Participation in University Events
- 10.090 Ethics and Conflict of Interest
Chapter 20: Organization - Administration
- 20.010 General Organization
- 20.020 President of the University
- 20.021 President鈥檚 Temporary Authority for COVID-19 Response
- 20.025 General Officers of the University
- 20.030 Executive Philosophy
- 20.031 University Finance
- 20.032 University Human Resources
- 20.033 University Information Technology
- 20.035 Program Assessment and Audit
- 20.036 Procedures for Reviewing Proposals to Establish New Degree Programs
- 20.040 Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 20.051 Vice President for Finance and Administration
- 20.070 Chancellor -- Open Meeting
- 20.075 Chancellor -- Campus Emergency
- 20.080 Cabinet
- 20.090 Development Council
- 20.100 Intercampus Faculty Cabinet
- 20.110 Department Chair
- 20.120 Establishing the University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 20.130 Executive Compensation and Performance Program
- 20.140 Academic Calendar
- 20.150 Intercampus Student Council