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March 19, 2020 Updates

Budget Update

The House met on Sunday for budget markups. An additional $1 mil was included to be split up and added into the core for all 4 year higher educational institutions. See below for specifics related to the UM System proposed budget from the House Chairman.

  • $300,000 moved from our core to pesticide training (one time line item)
  • $1 mil to NextGen
  • $2 mil moved to surplus revenue fund for NextGen – we will only receive this if there is a surplus of revenue
  • $1 mil for the MU VMDL

The House was expected to vote on the budget on the floor Wednesday, but instead took up the supplemental budget only. The House and Senate will be on Spring Break until  March 30th. We have not heard any plan as of yet on whether the Senate will reconvene to take up budget, or wait a few weeks.

At this time, all legislation is at a standstill until they reconvene, and even then, it may be only to pass a budget. We will keep you updated as we hear more in the coming weeks.

Reviewed 2020-03-31