Janitorial Supplies
Janitorial and Custodial Supplies and Equipment
Contract # SMS Contract Description of products Janitorial Supplies and small dollar janitorial equipment, related support and assistance in required training, equipment repair services and paid cleaning consultation services. Normal training, product usage and application support is included free of charge for all campuses.
Buyer Campus Designator Kyla Rogers
UM System Supplier contacts End User Customers Vendor Contact Email Phone 大象视频S&T District Sales Manager -
Shawn Newberrysnewberry@hillyard.com 417-865-1667 Operations Manager-
Larry Bodelbode@hillyard.com 800-864-5344
Account Manager -
Jason Barnesjbarnes@hillyard.com 417-818-2305 Service Coordinator -
Sarah SymnsMCRservice@hillyard.com 417-865-1667
417-865-1009 (fax)UMC
District Sales Manager -
Randy Timmermanrtimmerman@hillyard.com 573-289-7678
Operations Manager -
Ann Schmidt
annschmidt@hillyard.com 800-888-9049
Service Coordinator -
Robert CrouchMCRservice@hillyard.com 800-889-9049
Account Manager -
Ryan Kirchhoffrkirchhoff@hillyard.com 800-888-9049
573-424-6580 (cell)UMKC District Sales Manager -
Chris Delano
cdelano@hillyard.com 816-344-3080
Operations Manager -
Shawn Niederwerdersniederwerder@hillyard.com 816-569-0900
Service Coordinator -
Brent FarrisMCRservice@hillyard.com 816-569-0900
Account Manager -
Wendy Baldwinwbaldwin@hillyard.com 816-678-3185
UMSL District Sales Manager -
Randy Timmermanrtimmerman@hillyard.com 573-289-7678
Operations Manager -
Anna Schmidtannschmidt@hillyard.com 800-888-9049
Service Coordinator -
Sarah SymnsMCRservice@hillyard.com 800-889-9049
Account Manager -
Jacob Newberryjnewberry@hillyard.com 314-800-5248
Other important information - IDENTIFICATION: Users must select a "Buyer" in the upper right area of the punchout to see available products. Products are associated to a customer number/buyer/department. If your department name is not in the list of available buyers, contact the Hillyard Customer Service toll free number.
Document Description
Reviewed 2024-10-08